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Application Spotlight

The Logo For Cima Film Every Frame Matters

PixelStrings from Cinnafilm

PixelStrings is the award-winning media transformation platform that provides access to all of Cinnafilm’s image processing magic and best-of-breed partner technologies, in a single render.

  • Standards/frame rate conversion
  • Retime assets (audio, video, and captions) to meet any delivery runtime (shorten or lengthen)
  • Up/down res SD/UHD
  • Up/down convert SDR/HDR
  • Legalize video to DPP, EBU, IRE specifications
  • Burn-in/process embedded and sidecar captions
  • Audio channel mapping, loudness correction, pitch correction and retiming
  • Up/down mix stereo/5.1 audio

Learn more about the full spectrum of best-in-class tools in the Rally Application Services Market.

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