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Sustainability Policy

Overall Goal

SDVI has always had sustainability as a core tenet, including being ‘distributed by design’, which eliminates much of the carbon footprint traditionally associated with getting to and being in an office environment, but now we’re taking that one step further.

SDVI is fully committed to building a sustainable business that operates with net zero carbon emissions by 2023. Achieving net zero includes offsetting the entire carbon footprint for the operations of the company as well as the footprint generated by hosting our services for our customers.

SDVI Sustainability Policy

Our goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2023 will be accomplished in two phases:

Immediate (1st January 2022)
  • SDVI will collect, report, and offset the carbon footprint associated with providing the Rally service to its customers, including the operation of application services (providers) under Rally management.
    • Additionally, SDVI will review, report, and offset the carbon footprint associated with customer usage of the Rally service for all of 2021.
  • SDVI will monitor and offset the carbon footprint of all business-related travel.
By end of 2022
  • SDVI will calculate, report, and offset the carbon footprint associated with the company’s Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions.
  • SDVI will provide regular reporting of the carbon footprint associated with operating Rally to each customer, along with evidence of the SDVI-sponsored carbon offsets.

Policy Effective Dates

The Sustainability Policy will be implemented beginning on January 1st, 2022 and will remain in effect indefinitely. In addition, SDVI will apply a one-time look back to offset the carbon footprint associated with operating the Rally platform for customers for all of 2021. SDVI will work to achieve net zero carbon emissions as soon as possible, and no later than December 31st, 2022.

Offsetting the Carbon Footprint

SDVI will calculate the CO2 emissions from all business activities on a quarterly basis and will offset its carbon footprint by participating in a qualified reforestation program to reduce CO2 emissions equal to what SDVI is generating.

Proof of Net Zero

SDVI will make its accounting of all carbon emissions and the corresponding offset contributions available for audit purposes to verify the attainment of net zero emissions.

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