My pre-IBC blog last September focused on customer reaction to SDVI Rally™ and our sense that applying supply chain concepts to facility management and design “seemed” to be catching on. Customer interest in SDVI Rally was “starting to take-off”. Gosh … what an understatement.
Almost everyone we talk to has figured out that their company’s revenue and infrastructure utilization goals simply can’t be achieved with traditional fixed architectures. Programmable, pooled, technical resources are really the only viable way to think about media facility infrastructures. Supply chain approaches mean technical and commercial optimization of all accessible resources, wherever they may be located.
While the ultimate benefits of a virtualized supply chain are compelling, the transition is challenging. We are working closely with several large media companies as they implement their supply chain strategies. This experience has taught us to avoid conceptual engineering experiments that don’t include operations. Even initial implementations need to solve a real problem, with real operational and economic benefits. To help people consider initial supply chain implementations that might work in their operation, SDVI will be demonstrating several Rally configurations at NAB that represent solutions to common operating issues. If you’re wondering where to begin, please stop-by our booth at NAB. We will be located in the south upper hall booth SU7022.
Working with companies in the early stages of implementing supply chain strategies has also provided us with some interesting insights into what these companies say they need:
- I need to automate my supply chain processes and convert to exception-based monitoring wherever possible.
- I need to know the cost of the infrastructure associated with processing a content asset, or supporting a content partner.
- I need to model the cost for processing a content asset, or supporting a new service.
- I need to support large, unexpected new projects without buying more capital.
- I need the ability to source, on demand, the 3rd-party processing application most appropriate for a particular task.
- I need to integrate the 3rd-party application licenses I already own into my supply chain management strategy.
- I need the flexibility to buy supply chain management services on either consumption-based (opex), or license-based (capex) terms.
One of the more gratifying aspects of being part of a new company like SDVI is the feedback that we’re on the right track. That said, the industry has a long way to go. We are constantly talking with people regarding the best ways to deal with the various challenges of transitioning to a virtualized supply chain. If we’re not already talking with you, we should be. See you in Las Vegas.
#MediaSupplyChain #NAB #virtualization #customers