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Moving Forward on Sustainability

The SDVI commitment to sustainability is real and measurable!

Sustainability has always been a core tenet of SDVI. We have a responsibility – to the environment and to our customers – to ensure that we operate every aspect of our business in a sustainable manner.  Since its founding, the company has been ‘distributed by design’, eliminating much of the carbon footprint traditionally associated with getting to and being in an office environment. Today we’re taking commitment further.

Our journey to net-zero

We’ve committed to accounting for and offsetting the emissions associated with running our business, as well as the emissions associated with the supply chains that our customers on our platform.

January 2021

All customer operations on the Rally platform begin operating as net-zero. All emissions generated from this point forward are accounted for and offset. Offsets include the operation of application services (providers) under Rally management.The policy remains in effect indefinitely.

January 2022

SDVI formalizes and implements its Corporate Sustainability Policy.

April 2022

SDVI issues first certificates to customers accounting for and certifying offset of their company’s Rally usage footprint from 2021.

SDVI wins the NAB Best in Show Award from TVB Europe for Rally Net-zero Supply Chains.

September 2022

SDVI wins the CSI Award for Best Sustainability Initiative with Rally Net-Zero Supply Chains.

December 2022

Through use of public cloud infrastructure and efficiency improvements, the overall Rally product footprint in 2022 decreased by 95% compared to 2021 while overall product usage continued to grow.

January 2023

SDVI operates as a completely sustainable, net-zero business. In addition to offsetting emissions associated with its Rally platform, the company now accounts for and offsets emissions associated with running the business.

April 2023

SDVI VP of Product Chris Brähler wins the NAB Excellence in Sustainability Award for Sustainability Champion.

Awards & Press

The Nabshow Excellence In Sustainability Award Logo Showcasing SDVI Commitment To Sustainability

NAB Excellence in Sustainability Award, Sustainability Champion, April 2023

CSI Awards’ Best Sustainability Project or Initiative, September 2022

TVB Europe Best of Show Award Winner, NAB 2022

M&E Industry Getting Serious About Sustainability, TV Tech, April 2022,

Supply Chains

All SDVI Rally media supply chains are completely carbon neutral.

Net-zero Supply Chains are the keystone of our sustainability commitment. Launched in 2022, the Net-zero Supply Chain initiative makes customer usage of the Rally media supply chain platform since the beginning of 2021 completely carbon-neutral. SDVI offsets the entire carbon footprint of our customers’ Rally usage, including the use of third-party applications.

Learn more about Net-zero Supply Chains on Rally.

White And Black Flyer With The Words, Net-zero Media Supply Chain

Reporting on Emissions and Offsets

As part of our commitment to tangible, verifiable sustainability practices, SDVI has set the following standards for accounting and reporting on the company’s carbon footprint.

Offsetting Carbon Emissions

SDVI will calculate the CO2 emissions from all business activities on a quarterly basis and will offset its carbon footprint by participating in a qualified reforestation program to reduce CO2 emissions equal to what SDVI is generating.

Proof of Net-Zero

SDVI will make its accounting of all carbon emissions and the corresponding offset contributions available for audit purposes to verify the attainment of net zero emissions.

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