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SDVI To Highlight Rally Enhancements At IBC2022

SDVI to Highlight Rally Enhancements at IBC2022

SDVI is heading to IBC2022 at the Amsterdam RAI to reconnect with colleagues, partners, and customers from across the industry. The company’s stand (5.C69) will showcase the latest developments in…

Evaluating And Adding New Tools In Rally Supply Chains

Evaluating and Adding New Tools in Rally Supply Chains

Flexibility is essential for today's media supply chains. In the past, companies were locked in to the same tools for all types of content, regardless of the specific requirements. Today you can adjust and optimize your media factory to meet the evolving needs of your business.
Supply Chains

Supply Chains

While most companies begin by migrating a single use case, magic happens when you begin to optimize them in relation to one another.

SDVI Rally and AWS

Rally is the world’s leading cloud-native media supply chain management platform, managing complex tasks and helping media companies leverage the efficiencies of the cloud. AWS is one of the most…

The Value Of Resiliency

The Value of Resiliency

If you’re unable to get content from point A to point B quickly, you may not be able to deliver on a deal. What does it take to make your media supply chain resilient? How can you ensure that it is reliable, available, and scalable?
Rally Updates Mean More Intuitive And Efficient Operability

Rally Updates Mean More Intuitive and Efficient Operability

A variety of updates over the last quarter make the Rally platform even more intuitive and efficient for content preparation and delivery. The most notable of these: an update for building front-end applications and user interfaces, benefitting operators working in virtually every area of the Rally Core application. And new in the Application Services Market: new releases and features from best-in-class media processing apps.
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