The latest SDVI news and perspectives on cloud-based media supply chains.
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SDVI has achieved AWS Media and Entertainment Competency status. The AWS Media and Entertainment Competency is a validation of our expertise and the value we bring to customers, and we’re excited to build on it going forward.
Achieving AWS Media and Entertainment Competency: A Milestone for SDVI
- By Andy Brinck
Whether entering, searching, or displaying data, operators enjoy usability enhancements and efficiency gains that accelerate their work and facilitate more effective handling of metadata across the supply chain.
Newest Rally Updates Improve Access to Metadata
Closed captioning is essential for inclusivity and audience engagement, but delivering accessible content across multiple platforms can be a unique challenge. By combining smart automation with best-in-class captioning tools saves organizations time and resources and allows for more efficient scaling across platforms and content types.
Closed Caption Conform: Streamlining Accessibility Across Broadcast and Streaming
While the media supply chain needn’t be overly complex, it isn’t always as simple as some companies’ marketing would suggest. Every day media companies manage a great deal of variety and inconsistency, as well as numerous exceptions. But with the knowledge and tools to accommodate those factors and process variable content, a company can make its media supply chain hum. We've compiled a list of 10 things you should look for when evaluating a media supply chain solution.
Media Supply Chain Solutions: What Should You Look For?
As media organizations embrace cloud-enabled media supply chains, they realize that not every asset needs to be -- or should be -- handled the same way. Here, we look at how organizations are bringing business system data into the supply chain to inform this approach and realize even greater efficiency gains.
Not Everything Is a Nail
Flexibility is essential for today's media supply chains. In the past, companies were locked in to the same tools for all types of content, regardless of the specific requirements. Today you can adjust and optimize your media factory to meet the evolving needs of your business.
Evaluating and Adding New Tools in Rally Supply Chains
Metadata is the fuel that drives supply chain activities, and it can come from a multitude of places and drive a multitude of functions. Here we look in a little more detail at common functions in the supply chain driven by technical metadata.
Technical Metadata in the Supply Chain
- By Alex Popa
Metadata is the fuel that drives the modern media supply chain. In this blog, we identify the different types of metadata that exist in the media supply chain, and we look at how to plan and build media operation that takes full advantage of the power of metadata.
Metadata: Fuel for the Supply Chain
Being able to have cloud agility, with an NLE loaded with relevant media ready to go, always seemed somewhat of a pipe dream. But SDVI has technology that allows just that. Introducing Rally Access Workstation.
Professional Remote Editing Moves to the Cloud
- By Chris Deas