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Doing More With Less

How can media organizations maintain their output, or even increase it, while dealing with constrained resources? The answer lies in rethinking workflows, adopting automation, and leveraging the elasticity of cloud-enabled media supply chains.
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10 Considerations For Selecting A Media Supply Chain Platform On A Black Background

Media Supply Chain Solutions: What Should You Look For?

While the media supply chain needn’t be overly complex, it isn’t always as simple as some companies’ marketing would suggest. Every day media companies manage a great deal of variety and inconsistency, as well as numerous exceptions. But with the knowledge and tools to accommodate those factors and process variable content, a company can make its media supply chain hum. We've compiled a list of 10 things you should look for when evaluating a media supply chain solution.
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Hammer Versus Screwdriver

Not Everything Is a Nail

As media organizations embrace cloud-enabled media supply chains, they realize that not every asset needs to be -- or should be -- handled the same way. Here, we look at how organizations are bringing business system data into the supply chain to inform this approach and realize even greater efficiency gains.
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