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The Media Infrastructure Is The Means

The Media Infrastructure is the Means

The single most important question for any media operations leader in a viral-driven, real-time market is this: Can you respond? Interestingly, the answer depends on your infrastructure, and possibly your mindset around it.
Professional Remote Editing Moves To The Cloud

Professional Remote Editing Moves to the Cloud

Being able to have cloud agility, with an NLE loaded with relevant media ready to go, always seemed somewhat of a pipe dream. But SDVI has technology that allows just that. Introducing Rally Access Workstation.
SDVI Joins TPN+ Registry Of Trusted Partners

SDVI Joins TPN+ Registry of Trusted Partners

SDVI, the leading platform provider for cloud-native media supply chains, today announced that, following its participation in the TPN Cloud Pilot in 2022, the companyโ€™s Rally media supply chain platform…

The Ultimate Optimization: When 2+2=5 (or Even More!)

The Ultimate Optimization: When 2+2=5 (or even more!)

To truly optimize your media supply chain, you need to consider not just what to migrate to the cloud, but how to get the most out of the new infrastructure youโ€™re using. In this blog, we look at how "the platform approach" helps you make the most of scalable cloud-enabled applications with minimal friction.
Introducing SDVI

Introducing SDVI

by Larry Kaplan, President & CEO Today Iโ€™m very excited to announce the formation of a new company, SDVI Corporation. Iโ€™ve been thinking...
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